
Special conditions of sales

  • 1 / PREAMBLE

    SUNONSEAS VILLAS offers its Clients seasonal rental properties and services, acting as an agent for owners, partners and providers of goods and services offered on the Internet via the SUNONSEASVILLAS website accessible at www.sunonseasvillas.com

    The present Special Conditions of Sale define the conditions of online sale according to which SUNONSEAS VILLAS provides the Services subscribed to by the Client during his Registration on the Site, when the Client is a consumer.

    These Special Conditions of Sale are subject to the General Conditions of Sale.


    Rental Contract, reservation form signed by the Client to confirm the reservation of a seasonal rental property or the reservation of services, as defined in article L.211-7 of the French Tourism Code.

    Rental voucher (or Voucher), means the contract sent to the client by e-mail by the SUNONSEAS VLLAS agency and containing all the information necessary to access and enjoy the seasonal rental property or the reserved services.

    Description, designates the information given by the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency on any medium (website, catalog, newsletter, advertising) and allowing the client to have an exhaustive content of the property or the service offered and bookable.

    Provider, means SUNONSEAS VILLAS in its capacity as service provider.

    Service provider, designates the owners or partners with whom the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency has signed a partnership contract in order to offer its clients the services made available to them on its website https://www.sunonseasvillas.com.

    Client, designates any natural person who visits the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency's internet site and reserves a seasonal rental property and/or a service, or makes a payment for said rental property or service. The client can be the beneficiary, if he is not, the client must make sure, before signing the rental contract, that the beneficiary fulfills the authorized conditions with regard to the reservation of the rental property and/or the provision of services.


    Prior to the reservation and the conclusion of the Contract, the present Special Sales Conditions and the General Sales Conditions are communicated to the Client, who acknowledges having received them.

    Before the conclusion of the Contract, SUNONSEAS VILLAS will communicate to the Client the following information, on a durable or electronic medium, in a legible and comprehensible manner:

    1. The essential characteristics of the services selected by the customer;
    2. The price or any other benefit provided instead of or in addition to the payment of a price in accordance with Articles L. 112-1 to L. 112-4-1 of the Consumer Code;
    3. In the absence of immediate performance of the contract, the date or period within which the trader undertakes to perform the service;
    4. In the case of the intervention of a service provider, the information relating to the identity of the professional, his postal, telephone and electronic contact details and his activities, insofar as they are not apparent from the context;
    5. The existence and the modalities of implementation of the legal guarantees, in particular the legal guarantee of conformity and the legal guarantee of the hidden defects, and of the possible commercial guarantees, as well as, if necessary, the information relating to the other contractual conditions;
    6. The possibility of having recourse to a consumer mediator under the conditions provided for in Title I of Book VI of the Consumer Code.

    The Service Provider shall also provide the following information:

    1. The status and legal form of the company;
    2. The coordinates allowing to enter in contact quickly and to communicate directly with him;
    3. Where applicable, the registration number in the trade and company register or the trade register;
    4. If its activity is subject to an authorization system, the name and address of the authority that issued the authorization;
    5. If it is subject to value added tax and identified by an individual number in application of article 286 ter of the general tax code, its individual identification number;
    6. If he is a member of a regulated profession, his professional title, the Member State of the European Union in which it was granted as well as, where applicable, the name of the order or professional body with which he is registered;
    7. The general conditions, if any;
    8. Where applicable, the contractual clauses relating to the applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction;
    9. Any financial guarantee or professional liability insurance taken out by the Provider, the contact details of the insurer or guarantor and the geographical coverage of the contract or commitment.

    In addition, the Service Provider shall, upon request by the Client, provide the following information:

    1. Where the price is not determined in advance by the service provider for a given type of service, the price of the service or, where an exact price cannot be indicated, the method of calculation enabling the recipient to check it, or a sufficiently detailed estimate;
    2. With regard to regulated professions, a reference to the professional rules applicable in the Member State of the European Union on whose territory the professional is established and the means of accessing them.
    3. Information on his multidisciplinary activities and partnerships that are directly related to the service concerned and, on the measures, taken to avoid conflicts of interest. This information is included in any information document in which the provider presents its services in detail;
    4. Any codes of conduct to which it is subject, the electronic address at which these codes can be consulted and the language versions available.

    The Customer makes a reservation request by telephone, by mail or from the Site at www.sunonseasvillas.com.

    He/she must fill in the availability confirmation request form, accessible for each property or service offered.

    SUNONSEAS VILLAS will then contact the customer to confirm availability.

    If the client wishes to reserve, an option of 3 days will be given to him to finalize his file with the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency.

    The rental contract is considered validated by the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency when it receives from the client the signed reservation form and the deposit paid. An invoice is issued by the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency and sent to the client upon receipt of the balance.

    A rental voucher, more commonly called Voucher, will be sent to the client before his departure in order to communicate to him the information relative to his reservation. To know: The start and end dates of the rental, the number of people involved, the good or service reserved, the local contact person to be contacted, the route(s) to reach the place where the good or service reserved is located and the specific booking conditions.

    It is specified that any reservation made via the reservation form is a reservation with obligation of payment.

    Any reservation implies acceptance of the description of the Services and the prices in force on the day of the reservation.

    Any reservation, to be valid, must be established according to the rental contract via the Site according to the online reservation procedure and the payment of the deposit.

    Any validated reservation received by the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency is considered firm and final.

    The Contract is deemed concluded on the date of receipt of the reservation confirmation.


    Before the Client makes his reservation, he must verify that each of the Participants, according to his personal situation and his nationality, is in possession of the administrative documents and for certain health destinations, valid for his stay.

    SUNONSEAS VILLAS does not offer air transportation to the proposed destinations. The customer having reserved a good and/or service(s) with the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency will have to take care of reserving his means of transport to arrive at his holiday destination. Before the customer makes his reservation, he must be informed of the conditions and formalities of access to the desired destination, of the possible insurances to be subscribed, of the sanitary conditions and taxes required.


    The client can request a modification of his already confirmed rental contract by sending an email to the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with his expressly formulated request.

    The SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency cannot guarantee the validation of the requested modification. However, in the case where the modification is possible, an amendment will be made to the rental contract initially validated by the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency.

    The SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency will not be held responsible for possible penalty fees issued by the owner or service provider, imputable to the client to follow up on his request for modification.

    Any modification of an element of the Service on the spot, after departure, at the express request of the Client, is subject to the conditions of the local service providers.

    The additional or replacement Services proposed to the Client, following his request for modification, generating an additional cost will have to be paid to SUNONSEAS VILLAS

    The Services not used on the spot will not give rise to any refund.


    SUNONSEAS VILLAS may be obliged to modify its prices and its Program, in accordance with the law, to take into account:

    • Variations in the cost of transportation of the Participants;
    • Variations in the level of taxes or fees on the Services included in the Contract;
    • Changes in exchange rates related to the Contract.

    In case of modifications for the above mentioned cases, SUNONSEAS VILLAS undertakes to inform the Client by e-mail at the latest 30 days before the date of arrival.

    Any refusal on the part of the Participants to pay the possible price increase for the above-mentioned cases will be considered as a cancellation on the part of the Participant(s) who will then be subject to the conditions of article 9 of the general sales conditions.

    If one or more Participants enrolled in the same Program cancel(s), the Contract may be maintained as long as the other Participants have paid, before their arrival, the possible increase in price for the above-mentioned cases as well as the possible additional cost of the Services that had to be modified due to the cancellation of the Participant(s).

    Any refusal on the part of the remaining registered Participant(s) to pay this adjustment will be considered as a cancellation on the part of the Participant(s) concerned, with application of Article 9 of the general terms of sale.


    If the Client wishes to cancel his reservation, he must inform SUNONSEAS VILLAS by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The effective date of the cancellation will be the day of receipt of the e-mail by SUNONSEAS VILLAS, which will initiate the cancellation procedure with the owner or service provider.

    Penalty fees may be charged according to the cancellation conditions of the owner or service provider and of SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency stipulated on the description of the property.

    In the case where the client forgot to inform SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency of his wish to cancel his reservation and does not show up on the day of the entry of the premises, the sums received by SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency will be kept and not refunded.

    In the case where the customer wishes to leave the premises and to proceed to an anticipated departure during his stay for a personal reason, the sums collected by the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency will not be calculated and refunded in proportion to the number of days remaining on the spot.

    In accordance with article L.121-20-4 of the Consumer Code, there is no withdrawal period applicable from the time of registration via the Site. In case of difficulty, the SUNONSEAS VILLAS advisers are at the disposal of the Customers.

    In case of cancellation, for any reason whatsoever, the expenses outside the Service subscribed to SUNONSEAS VILLAS and incurred by the Client such as plane or train tickets, transportation expenses to the place of departure and return to the place of residence, expenses for obtaining a visa, will not be reimbursed.


    The owner/provider or the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency can be led to cancel the contract in exceptional cases or force majeure. In this case SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency will contact the client by phone or email and will clearly explain the reason (environment with last minute works preventing the quietness of the place, damage on the rented property giving an impossibility to enjoy the rented property, etc...). SUNONSEAS VILLAS will do its best to find an alternative to compensate the cancellation of the rented property. SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency will propose another similar property in the same destination as the initially rented property, according to the latest availability. In the case where the client does not wish this alternative or wishes to be reimbursed, or in the case where SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency has not found an alternative to the cancelled property, a reimbursement will then be initiated of the entirety of the sums that the client had initially paid to SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency.

    The conditions of reimbursement in case of cancellation are defined on the description of the property on the website of the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency.

    By virtue of article L 211-14 III° of the Tourism Code, SUNONSEAS VILLAS will not be held responsible for any additional compensation if:

    • It notifies the cancellation of the Contract to the Client at the latest:
      • 20 days before the beginning of the Service in the case of a stay exceeding 6 days;
      • 7 days before the start of the Event in the case of a stay of 2 to 6 days;
      • 48 hours before the beginning of the Event in the case of a stay lasting no more than 2 days;
    • Or
    • He is prevented from performing the Contract due to exceptional and unavoidable circumstances and he notifies the Client of the cancellation of the Contract as soon as possible before the start of the Event.

    In the event of a case of force majeure, an unforeseeable and insurmountable event that has a significant impact on the execution of the Contract, the Client may automatically cancel the Contract before the start of the Service, without paying cancellation fees. These exceptional circumstances are defined in Article 28 - "Force Majeure" of the General Terms of Sale.

    In this case, the Client is only entitled to a full refund of the payments already made to SUNONSEAS VILLAS.

    Concerning the pre- and post-transportation services that the Customer organizes alone (transport, visas, ...) up to the place of beginning of the Service and up to his residence on return, after the stay, it is recommended to buy modifiable and/or refundable services and to foresee reasonable transfer times between airports/stations.

    In the event of a case of force majeure, an unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party or the act of the participant which would modify the subscribed Services and would imply their modifications, SUNONSEAS VILLAS will not reimburse the expenses incurred in application of article 28 of the general conditions of sale.

  • 11 / PRICE

    Prices are firm and final at the time of invoicing, except for exceptional modifications in the cases cited in Article 7 - "Unilateral modifications of the Contract by the Provider" of these Conditions.

    Access to the Site is via the Internet.

    The cost of accessing the Internet by means of a remote communication service shall be borne by the Customer.


    Except for particular conditions linked to the rented property, for any reservation made more than 30 days before the beginning of the stay or service, SUNONSEAS VILLAS will proceed to a deposit of 30% of the total amount of the contract.

    For all reservations made less than 30 days before the beginning of the stay, the payment must be made in one time and for the total amount of the reservation.

    As soon as the total price of the stay has been paid, SUNONSEAS VILLAS will send an invoice to the customer as soon as possible and at the latest within 8 days.

    The balance of the reservation, according to the particular conditions of reservation stipulated on the description of the rented property, will have to be paid to the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency between the 30th and the 60th day before the beginning of the reservation.

    The payment can be made either by credit card or by bank transfer. A platform, secured and encrypted by the SSL protocol (Secured Socket Layer), will allow the client to pay directly via a secured website dedicated to the payments made by credit card.

    For payments made by bank transfer, SUNONSEAS VILLAS will communicate to the customer his bank details by e-mail.

    The payment is made in Euro.

    Any payment which would be fraudulent, late with regard to the due date that the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency will have notified to the customer by e-mail, would entail penalties of payment and a cancellation of the reservation.

    The payments made by the Client will be considered as final only after effective collection of the sums due to the Provider.

    Payment terms are defined in the corresponding Special Conditions.

    Any delay in payment will result in the immediate payment of all sums due to the Provider by the Customer, without prejudice to any other action that the Provider may be entitled to take against the Customer in this respect.

    At the time of invoicing, the prices are firm and final.

    An invoice will be issued, as soon as possible and within 8 days, after payment of the balance of the reservation.

    The computerized registers, kept in the computer systems of SUNONSEAS VILLAS in reasonable conditions of security, will be considered as proof of the communications, th13.Obligations of the Client

    • To provide SUNONSEAS VILLAS with complete, accurate and timely information and documents without being required to verify their completeness or accuracy;
    • To make decisions in a timely manner and to obtain the necessary approvals;
    • To notify the Service Provider directly of any difficulty in performing the Services;
    • To use the Site in accordance with its intended use.e Registration and the payments made between the parties.

    The archiving of the Contracts and the invoices is carried out on a reliable and durable or electronic support which can be produced as proof.


    In order to facilitate the good execution of the services, the customer commits himself :

    • To provide SUNONSEAS VILLAS with complete, accurate and timely information and documents without being required to verify their completeness or accuracy;
    • To make decisions in a timely manner and to obtain the necessary approvals;
    • To notify the Service Provider directly of any difficulty in performing the Services;
    • To use the Site in accordance with its intended use.

    SUNONSEAS VILLAS undertakes to implement the means necessary to provide the Services.

    SUNONSEAS VILLAS undertakes to provide all the information and advice necessary to enable the Customer to enter into the Agreement with full knowledge of the facts.

    The Service Provider's commitments constitute an obligation of means, after which the Services will be performed in strict compliance with the professional rules in use and, if applicable, in accordance with the terms of the Contract.

  • 15 / GUARANTEE

    SUNONSEAS guarantees the conformity of the Services under the Contract, allowing the Customer to make a claim under the legal guarantee of conformity provided for in Articles L. 217-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code.

    The terms and conditions of implementation of the warranty are specified in the Special Conditions applicable to each good or service as well as in the general sales conditions.

    If the customer wishes to contest a fact during his stay, he will have to open a complaint and send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the same day of the said fact, to the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency and also inform the owner or his legal representative.

    SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency will immediately contact the owner or his legal representative to try to solve, in an amicable way, the eventual dispute in progress.

    If the parties cannot find a solution to the dispute and the client wishes to pursue the dispute before the courts, the case will be judged by the competent court in accordance with article L141-5 of the consumer code.

    In any case, neither the SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency nor the owner of the property can be held responsible for a failure concerning electricity, water, telephone or environmental problems which are in no case of their making. In the same way, SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency will not be held responsible for a failure on the services of the providers.

    After leaving the premises, no complaint will be taken into account by SUNONSEAS VILLAS agency and there will be no compensation.

    After having contacted the Customer Service and in the absence of a satisfactory response within a maximum of 60 days, the Customer may refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman, whose contact details and procedures for referral are available on the website: www.mtv.travel

    However, the Provider may be exempted from all or part of its liability by proving that the damage is attributable either to the Customer or to a third party not involved in the provision of the Contract Services, or to exceptional and unavoidable circumstances.

    In all cases, the Service Provider's warranty is limited to the reimbursement of the Services actually paid by the Customer and the Service Provider shall not be held responsible or liable for any delay or non-performance resulting from a force majeure event as defined in Article 28 - "Force Majeure" of the Terms and Conditions of Sale.


    The combination of travel services offered to the Client by SUNONSEAS VILLAS is a package in the sense of Directive (EU) 2015/2302 and Article L 211-2 II of the Tourism Code. The Client therefore benefits from rights granted by the European Union applicable to packages, as transposed in the Tourism Code.

    For more information on your rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2302, see Annex 1.

Special Conditions of Sale updated on February 17, 2023.
Registered office : 10, Rue du Colisée - 75008 Paris - France
Tel : +33 7 83 16 32 72 - E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SASU with a capital of 7500 euros
Activity of travel agencies (APE code: 7911Z)
Registered with the R.C.S. Paris B 948 671 151
(Siret n° 94867115100017 - Intracommunity VAT FR00948671151)
Financial Guarantee: Policy N°A52549 - ACCELERANT INSURANCE EUROPE SA, Baston Tower, Level 20, Place du Champs de mars 5, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
Professional Civil Liability Insurance: Policy N° HSXIN320020923A - HISCOX SA, 38 Avenue de l'Opéra, 75002 Paris, France
Registered with ATOUT FRANCE n° IM075230015